NGSolve is a general purpose
2D / 3D finite element solver.
Built-in discretization / solution of
mechanical and
electromagnetic problems and related
eigenvalue equations
Higher order FE discretization (hp-method)
C++ source code allows to use
other advanced problem solvers
Adaptive mesh refinement
Optimal order multilevel methods
Future Features:
Solution of fluid dynamics problems
(incompressible Navier-Stokes equations)
NGSolve is open source based on the LGPL license.
It is available for Unix/Linux and Windows.
NGSolve has been developed by the founders of
FEMworks within project grants from the
Austrian Science Fund FWF (Special Research Project
„Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing“,
Start Project „hp-FEM“)
at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
For more infos about NGSolve and for downloads please
visti the NGSolve Homepage at the Start Project „hp-FEM“.